Propose Day Wishes Images, Wishes Quotes
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Propose Day Wishes Images, Wishes Quotes

Happy Propose Day Images:

Propose Dayis a perfect day, when people tell their hearts to their loved ones. Apart from this, this day is also for those who are unable to tell their love to their heart. On the day of Propose Day, people forget their fear and tell their crush about their heart, without thinking what they will get in response.
Happy Propose Day Date
Propose Day is a day when people ask for their lovers for spending their own life with them. This is the romantic day of February every year. when you decide to talk your heart out to the person you love the most for a long time.
Happy Propose Day images
This day is the second day ofValentine’s weekcelebrated worldwide which starts from 7 February and ends on 14 February.Propose Day is celebrated every year on 8 Februaryand is the time when people give precious gifts like rings to propose to their special people. Let us know more things related to Propose Day
Propose day sms

How did Propose Day begin?

Propose Day is for those who want to propose someone in a romantic way but cannot do it due to lack of confidence or courage. This day assures people to express their love and also gives courage to propose to the one who loves you in their life.
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Propose day wishes
Happy Propose day images
Happy Propose Day Quotes, happy Propose Day Quotes Images for love. Happy Propose day pic, Happy Propose day quotes in English, Happy Propose day quotes for my love, Happy Propose day quotes images for girlfriend, Happy Propose day quotes for boyfriend, happy Propose day status, Happy Propose day wishes, Happy Propose day wishes status, Happy propose day wishes quotes.

Happy Propose day wishes in Hindi:

दिल ये मेरा तुमसे प्यार करना चाहता है, अपनी मोहब्बत का इजहार करना चाहता है, देखा है जब से तुम्हें ए मेरे सनम, सिर्फ तुम्हारा ही दीदार करने को दिल चाहता है। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

दिल करता है जिंदगी तुझे दे दू, जिंदगी की सारी खुशियां तुझे दे दू। दे दे अगर तू मुझे भरोसा अपने साथ का। तो यकीन मानो अपनी सांसे भी तुझे दे दू..! !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

बनकर तेरा साया तेरा साथ निभाऊंगी, तू जहां जाएगा में वहां-वहां आऊंगी, साया तो छोड़ जाता है साथ अंधेरे में, लेकिन में अंधेरे में तेरा उजाला बन जाऊंगी. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

आज मैं इज़हार करता हूं, जान भी तुझ पर निसार करता हूं, बेहिसाब बेशुमार करता हूं, मैं सिर्फ तुझसे प्यार करता हूं।। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

मोहब्बत है कितनी ज्यादा तुमसे, कहो तो इस जहां को बता दूं, तु करदे हां एक बार, तेरे कदमों में आसमां बिछा दूं! !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

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बंध जाये अगर किसी से रूह का बंधन, तो इजहार-ए-इश्क़ को अल्फाज की जरुरत नहीं होती। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

नायाब होते है वो लड़के, जिनके किरदार की खुशबु पाकर, लड़की खुद मोहब्बत का इजहार करती है। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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एक मैं था जो थक गया लफ्ज ढूंढकर , एक वो है जो ख़रीदे हुए गुलाब से इजहार कर गए। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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वो निगाह ही क्या जिसमें नजरे हटाने का होश रहे , इजहार-ए-इश्क़ का मजा तो तब है जब मैं बेचैन रहु और तू खामोश रहे। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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कई बार सोचा, इजहार कर दूँ अपनी मोहब्बत का, पर डर लगता है ,कहीं हक़ भी न छीन जाये, आपको देखने का। !!HAPPY PROPOSE DAY !! !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

लिखकर खत मैंने, मोहब्बत का इजहार कर दिया, और अफवाह पुरे शहर में हुई की, मेरे अल्फाजो ने उन्हें बीमार कर दिया। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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प्यार करते हो मुझसे, तो इजहार कर दो, अपनी मोहब्बत का जिक्र, आज सरेआम कर दो, नहीं करते अगर प्यार तो इंकार कर दो, ये लो मेरा मासूम दिल, इसके टुकड़े हजार कर दो। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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इजहार ए इश्क़ करूँ, या पूछ लू तबियत उनकी , ऐ दिल कोई तो बहाना बता, उनसे बात करने का। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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तेरे नाम को मेरे सरनेम का सहारा चाहिए , समझ गयी या कोई और इशारा चाहिए। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

फिर से कहो ना आज उसी अदा से, मुझे तुमसे मोहब्बत है। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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एक बात है दिल में, आज हम तुम्हें बताते है, हम तुमसे कुछ नहीं चाहते, बस तुम्हें चाहते है। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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तुझे हर राह में ढूँढा बहुत है, इन आँखों ने तुझे देखा बहुत है, तुझे मालुम तो होगा मेरे हमदम, तुझे एक शख्स ने चाहा बहुत है। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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तुझे हर राह में ढूँढा बहुत है, इन आँखों ने तुझे देखा बहुत है, तुझे मालुम तो होगा मेरे हमदम, तुझे एक शख्स ने चाहा बहुत है। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

दिल ये मेरा तुमसे प्यार करना चाहता है , अपनी मोहब्बत का इजहार करना चाहता है , देखा है जब से तुम्हे मैंने ए सनम, सिर्फ तुम्हारा ही दीदार करने को ये दिल चाहता है। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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दिल ये मेरा तुमसे प्यार करना चाहता है, अपनी मोहब्बत का इजहार करना चाहता है , देखा है जब से तुम्हे मैंने ए सनम, सिर्फ तुम्हारा ही दीदार करने को ये दिल चाहता है। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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Lonely है जिंदगी मेरी, तेरे साथ जीना चाहता हूँ , Strongly हर दिन खुदा से बस तुझे ही मांगता हूँ। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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आँखों की गहराई को समझ नहीं सकते होंठो से हम कुछ कह नहीं सकते, कैसे बयां करें हम आपको ये हाल-ए-दिल, की तुम्हीं हो जिसके बगैर हम जी नहीं सकते। !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

Happy Propose day wishes in English:

Your love has made me better person appreciating the life God has given me. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 Sweetheart!!

READ MORE- Valentine's Day Date History Wishes Status.

Till the time stars twinkle in the sky, Till the time fairies are there up high, Till the time ocean run dry And till the end of time. I will keep loving you. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 BABY!!

With no special dreams in my eyes, I just want to say I care, will always make you feel the deep love, promise you I’ll always be there. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

You are my answered prayer, my fulfilled wish, my realized dream. Will you marry me? !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

You are my love, my passion my life. Without you my life is lifeless. Let’s promise to stay together always. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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I can win the world with my hand, only if you promise me to hold my other hand, for a lifetime. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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I wanted someone to Care, I wanted someone to Love, I wanted to Love, I wanted someone to be True, and all I Want is someone like you. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

My eyes are always eager to see you, My ears are always eager to hear you, and my dreams are always eager to welcome you. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

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You are the reason of my happiness and success. Please be mine forever.! !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

I miss you every day; I want you every day, I feel you every minute. I want you every second, and I love you ever. I want to be a guiding light in your life always lightening your paths so that you don’t ever fall. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

I cannot imagine a day without you. You are my heartbeat, sweetheart. Take this confession as my proposal to you for a lifetime of togetherness. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

The smallest word is I, The sweetest word is love, and the most romantic person on this planet is you. And that because I love you. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

You make me happy like no one else does. So there are only two times I want to be with you. Now and forever !! !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

What’s better for two human souls than to feel that they are one… Let us make more beautiful memories of a lifetime together on this Propose Day! !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

True love is seeing someone even with closed eyes. It is like being alive for someone else. It is like finding someone in every thought. You are that someone for me. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

I cannot imagine a day without you. You are my heartbeat, sweetheart. Take this confession as my proposal to you for a lifetime of togetherness. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

What’s better for two human souls than to feel that they are one… Let us make more beautiful memories of a lifetime together on this Propose Day!! !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

I want to spend today, tomorrow, And my entire life with you. I love you. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 Sweetheart!!

I just want you to know that you are a princess who rules my heart. I want to be with you forever. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

You are like the warm sunshine. You are like a sweet sugar. Never change as I love the way you are. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

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Accept my everlasting love On this special day as you are the reason Of me being happy alive! !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

I have a heart and that is true, But now it belongs to you, Take care of it just like I do, I am heartless and you have two. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

As long as you are there with me, I don’t need any more reason to live for. You are my love, my life And my destiny. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

I have a heart and that is true, But now it belongs to you, Take care of it just like I do, I am heartless and you have two. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞!!

Happy Propose day status

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I Adore you, I love you, and I want only you for the rest of My Life. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

Today on Propose Day, I just want to open my heart and let you know that you mean the world to me and I want you to stay in my life forever. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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U are Unique, U are caring and U are the best, and I am the luckiest to have U in my life. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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I love you, for not what you are, but what I become when I am there with you. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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You are the Happiness of my Life, You are the Smile of my Lips, I am Alive to see You anytime, You are Cute Smile gives me Power, Please don’t ever leave me. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

Happy Propose day status download

Propose day sms

Propose day sms

I always lose control when you are by my side, You have become the guiding light of my life. I always enjoy the time I spend with you, I think I’m falling in love with you. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

You are my source of strength…You are the love of my life… You are the one who brought excitement in my life… Will you accept my last name on Propose Day? !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

I was discovering the true meaning of my life and then God sent you. And that’s when I realized where I actually belong! !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

All I wanted was someone who takes good care of me, All I wanted was someone who’d always be there for me, All I wanted was someone who would never lie, And look I found You! !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

You are not a person I want to be with, you are someone who I cannot be without. Stay with me forever. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

As days go by, my feelings get stronger, To be in your arms, I can’t wait any longer. Look into my eyes and you will see that it’s true, Day and night my thought are for you.! !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

The most intense emotions are very difficult to express. Just look deep into my eyes, they will say, “you are mine forever”. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

Forever is not today, not tomorrow or a century that will come, but a lifetime. And I promise to love you forever. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

Love is the trust emotion, and being loved by someone is the best feeling in this world. !!💞HAPPY PROPOSE DAY💞 !!

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