Story Behind Oil Offering to Lord Shanidev
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Story Behind Oil Offering to Lord Shanidev

Story Behind Oil Offering to Lord Shanidev:

According to the scriptures, one timeLord Shanidevwas proud of his power at Ramayana period. In that periodLord Hanuman’s strengthand praise were spread all over directions.
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When Shanidev got information aboutLord Hanuman, Lord Shani went out to fight against Lord Hanuman. At a quiet place, Hanumanji was absorbed in the worship of hisLord Shriram, only then Shanidev came here and he challenged Lord Hanuman to war.

Opon hearing the battle of war, Hanumanji tried to explain Shanidev not to war, but Shani refused to accept and invited for war. Hanumanji finally got ready for the war. There is a wobbling war between the two. Lord Hanuman severely defeated Lord Shanidev.
In the war, Lord Shanidev was suffering fromsevere injuries in the whole body. Lord Hanuman gave Lord Shanidev oil to remove this pain. After putting this oil, all the suffering of Lord Shani Dev was removed.
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According to another legend:

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when Lord Hanuman’s army seized the Sagar Setu, then the monster could not harm it so Pawan’s son Hanuman was entrusted with the responsibility to take care of Sagar setu. When Hanuman ji was engrossed in the meditating of his Lord Ram in the evening, then the son of sun, Lord Shani made his black-eyed face angry and said- “O Hanuman, I am a powerful in all Dev. I have heard that you are very strong. Open your eyes and fight with me, I want to fight with you.” Lord Hanuman humbly said on this – I am remembering my lord this time. You do not want to spoil my worship. You are my esteemed. Please go away from here.
When Lord Shani came to fight, Lord Hanuman began to wrap his tail. Then he started to tighten them, but on the thrust, Shani was not relieved of that bondage, he started feeling disturbed by pain. Hanuman again started the yatra by rotating the bridge and shaking the tail on the stones to break Saturn’s pride. This caused Saturn’s body to disappear, and his pain increased.
Then Lord Shani Dev prayed to Lord Hanuman that he should free me. “I have been punished for my crime, then it will not be such a mistake!” Then Lord Hanuman gave the oil, putting it on the wound, Saturn’s pain was eradicated. From that day, oil is supplied to Lord Shani Dev, which reduces their pain and they are pleased.

How to Please Lord Shanidev:

With the grace of Hanuman, the suffering of Saturn was calm; due to this, Lord Shanidev still maintains special mercy on thedevotees of Lord Hanuman.
From then on, the tradition of offering oil to Shani Dev has begun. Any person who offers oil on Lord Shani Dev, gets rid of all the problems of his life and ends the lack of money.
Check your face in oil before giving oil to Lord Shanidev. By doing this, liberation from Saturn’s flaws. Obstacles in money related work go away and happiness and prosperity persists.
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