Kalki Avatar of Lord Vishnu.
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Kalki Avatar of Lord Vishnu.

Who is Lord Kalki?

In the scriptures, the ten incarnations ofLord Vishnuare mentioned. Of these, till date, they have already taken nine incarnations, but Kalki is to be thelast inccarnation of Lord Vishnu.

In the Shrimad Bhagavat Purana, it is written that theKalki avatar of Lord Vishnuwill be in the end of Kaliyug and in the center of Satyuga.

God Kalkiis considered to be thefuture incarnation of Lord Vishnu. According to mythologies,Kalki Avatarwill appear for the destruction of the wicked in the world. when the crossing of sin is in the Kalyuga.Kalki Avatarwill be for the end of Kalyuga. This is one of theincarnations of Lord Vishnu.

kalki avatar.

Lord Kalki Birth(When is Kalki Avatar expected?):

Kalki Godwill be born on the last date of the Shukla Paksha. Kalki God will be born in Sambhal village of Moradabad, settled between Ganga and Yamuna in Uttar Pradesh.
At the time of God’s birth, the moon will be in the constellation Nakshatra and Aquarius.
According to mythological belief, Kalyug is of 432000 years. The first phase of which is going on now. Kali Yuga started in 3102 BC.
3102+2021= 5123 years have passed since Kali Yuga and 426881 years are still left. The worship of Lord Kalki has started even before his birth. Not from now on, his worship continues for about three and a half hundred years. According to Kalki Purana, Lord Vishnu will incarnate as Kalki in Kali Yuga.

Where will kalki avatar be?

Kalki God will be born in Sambhal village of Moradabad, settled between Ganga and Yamuna in Uttar Pradesh.
Kalki God father’s nameVishnudattaand mother’s name will beSumathi.Kalki God will be born as the fifth descendant of their parents.

What does Buddhism say about (Kalki Avatar of Lord Vishnu):

In Buddhism, Kalki is not considered the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. It has been stated in this, that in the future, there will be a king named Kalki who will destroy the unrighteousness and make people aware of the truth by establishing the kingdom of religion and thus will be the victory of religion and truth on unrighteousness.

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What does Guru Govind Singh says about(Kalki Avatar of Lord Vishnu):

Guru Gobind Singh has written in the book Sridham, that God’s Kalki incarnation will definitely be in the future, and this embodiment of his will be in the house of a Brahmin named Vishnudatta in Kashmir. It has also been told that only at the age of 12, he will be married to a girl namedTrikuta.

Signs of Kalki Avatar

1. People themselves will be the cause of the destruction of the universe-

According to Hinduism, the life cycle runs in 4 periods. Satyuga, Tretayuga, Dwaparayuga and Kaliyuga.
According to this, the purity of religion and action ends in every age. According to the Brahma and Vishnu Puranas, man himself will be the cause of the destruction of the universe.
2. According to Hinduism, some things have already been decided. Like Lord Vishnu starts the creation and Lord Shiva takes the responsibility of ending the creation.

3. Kaliyuga, the cycle of time-

It is said that Kaliyuga is the last era, so we will have to bear the fruits of all our actions in this age. When Kali Yuga will end then surely shocking things will be happening on earth. Unseasonal rains, thunderstorms, water crisis are all indications of this.

4. Lifespan will be short-

According to this, as the Kaliyuga progresses towards the end, the lifespan of a human being will be reduced to only 12 years and the body will shrink by 4 inches.

5. Kalki’s avatar will be-

It is also written in Brahma and Vishnu Purana that a time will come when this creation will indulge in hatred and terrible acts. There will be an atmosphere of war everywhere, then Lord Vishnu will be born on earth with an incarnation of Kalki.

6. Man’s feelings will end-

When the earth is nearing destruction, the water everywhere will mysteriously dry up. Apart from this, there will be no feelings inside anyone. There will be no feeling in the heart of a man for any mother, father or guru.

7. The attachment to money will increase-

Money will become so important to the people that they will be ready to kill anyone for it.

8. River Ganges will flow in reverse-

After 5,000 years of Kali Yuga, the holy river Ganga will start flowing in reverse and will return to Baikunth. It is believed that after 10,000 years of Kali Yuga, all the gods and goddesses will leave the holy place of the earth.

9.The earth will become barren-

By the end of Kali Yuga, the earth will become completely barren. No crop will be able to grow on the earth again, nor will the earth be able to flow with flowers. Even the living beings on earth will become lifeless.

10. Humanity will be destroyed-

After 20,000 years of Kali Yuga, ruthless killing of humanity will start. For money and power, even the mother and son will start becoming the cause of each other’s destruction. Everyone will be thirsty for each other’s blood.

11. Terrorism will increase-

Terrorism will be at its peak. The world will be burning with anger and hatred, then Lord Vishnu will be born on earth in the form of Kalki. It is believed that they will be more powerful than the joints of 1000 elephants.
And they will take three days to liberate the earth.

12. It is believed that at the end of Kalyuga this world will be such a condition. People will eat fish and meat. Drink milk of sheep and goats. The appearance of the cow will also stop.

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13. All will be robbing each other. Do not follow fast rules. They will condemn the Vedas. Women will be harsh. They will not obey the husband’s orders. Without the new moon, the solar eclipse will take place

14. At that time, the average age of man will be sixteen years. Men and women will produce children at the age of seven-eight years. At that time, the average age of man will be sixteen years.

15. Men and women will produce children at the age of seven-eight years. Man and woman will not be satisfied with their wife and husband. The temple will not be anywhere. The brightness of the stars will be very low.

16. 12 Sun will rise-

In the last 5 years of Kali Yuga, there will be torrential rains on the earth. The last night of Kali Yuga will be the longest, after which 12 suns will rise and shine till they absorb all the water of the earth. Here the meaning of 12 suns can be taken from the rising temperature of the earth.

Something about Kalki Avatar:

1. Lord Kalki Father and Mother:

Kalki God father’s nameVishnudattaand mother’s name will beSumathi.Kalki God will be born as the fifth descendant of their parents.

2. Lord Kalki Brothers:

Lord Kalki will have three elder brothers. Whose names will be Sumant, Pragya and Kavi.

3. Lord Kalki Wife:

Lord Kalki will be married to Padmini in the form of Goddess Lakshmi.
According to one belief, he will also be married to a woman named Rama. This woman was born in Treta Yuga by the name of Vaishnavi. The one who expressed his desire to marry Lord Shri Ram. Then Shri Ram told him while telling one of his marriage vows that he would marry her in Kali Yuga in the form of Kalki Avatar.

4. Lord Kalki Children:

Lord Kalki will also have four sons, whose names will be Jai, Vijay, Meghmal and Balahak.

5. Lord Kalki vehicle:

Lord Kalki will be endowed with sixty-four arts who will ride on a white colored horse. His horse’s name will be Devadatta. They will have a sword in one hand and an arrow in the other hand so that they will destroy the wicked.

5. Lord Kalki Birth:

Kalki Avatar will be in the last phase of Kali Yuga. But only the first phase is going on now. According to mythological belief, Kalyug is of 432000 years. The first phase of which is going on now. Kali Yuga started in 3102 BC.
3102+2021= 5123 years have passed since Kali Yuga and 426881 years are still left.

6. Lord Kalki Guru:

Lord Parashurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, will play the role of Kalki’s guru. It is they who will make the Lord Kalki proficient in the use of weapons and in the knowledge of religious scriptures and will pave the way for him.
7. Lord Kalki will not only end Kali Yuga but He will also start Satya Yuga. That is, all sin will be annihilated from the earth. Kalki Avatar is considered to be a great destroyer for the wicked and a very important avatar for the re-establishment of religion.
8. Lord Kalki will also have a mysterious parrot named Shuka. That parrot will have complete knowledge of past, present and future, which will keep giving information to Lord Kalki from time to time.
9. It is said about Kalki avatar that he will defeat all the kings of the world and kill them and destroy all the unrighteous with his sword. He will rule not only this land but also the sea.
10. Apart from Hinduism, the story of taking Kalki avatar has also been done in other religions like Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. According to all religions, such an incarnation will be born in the future who will destroy sin from this world.
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